Misty Burris, Director, Oregon Institute for A Better Way

Misty Burris, Director, Oregon Institute for A Better Way

Misty founded the Oregon Institute for A Better Way in 2016 after a 6 year field study based on How our brains learn and the measurable data that something evolutionary is occurring to us physically and spiritually. Misty studies the effects of these occurrences in individuals, partners, families, organizations and industry. Misty is a facilitator, motivator and opportunity enthusiast always seeking the largest stone to toss into the pool of change and progression. Misty founded the Community System Navigators in response the pandemic and the national need for translators of agency funding.

Today Misty and her teams have navigated 20million in relief, recovery and expansion funding. Misty and her retired Army aviation husband Sean reside in Oregon ever present for the raising of 3 grandchildren, farm animals and strong community bonds through intentional living. Both are active Grange members and participate in the Farmer Veteran Coalition and Farm Bureau To save the family farm! Misty seeks to continue her education at Syracuse University for an Executive Masters in Public Policy and later a PhD of Cultural Anthropology.
