Innovations in Cannabis: A Conversation with George Breiwa, Founder of DynaVap

Innovations in Cannabis: A Conversation with George Breiwa, Founder of DynaVap

Tune in to this episode with George Breiwa, the founder of DynaVap, as we dive into the world of cannabis, product development, and the innovative technology behind DynaVap's cannabis consumption devices. George shares his journey into the cannabis industry and how he came up with the idea for DynaVap, emphasizing the importance of finding a better way to consume cannabis without the harmful byproducts of smoking. Exploring the science behind thermal extraction and how DynaVap's products offer control, flavor, and a range of effects. This episode also touches on the ritualistic aspects of cannabis consumption and how anticipation plays a significant role in the experience.

George was born in rural Wisconsin and was an early graduate from Lego university at the age of 6. In 7th grade lasers came into focus and with the help of a few teachers convinced the school to purchase its first laser. The drive to invent and solve problems has been a lifelong passion.
Now a serial entrepreneur, inventor with multiple patents across 14 countries, and the founder of DynaVap, LLC, a company with the mission to "Make Smoking History".
Under George's leadership, DynaVap has become one of the fastest-growing companies in the US, making the Inc. 5000 list 2 years running.
George is also a speaker on topics related to cannabis and enjoys sharing products and ideas with others.
When not physically working he may be found on one-wheeled vehicles.
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