Michelle Mattice, National Sales Vice President, Joint Venture Pay

Michelle Mattice, National Sales Vice President, Joint Venture Pay

Michelle Mattice is the National Sales Vice President for Joint Venture Pay. She currently sits on the Board of Directors for the North East Hemp Association. Joint Venture Pay is a member of the NHA, HIA, NCIA, and New York Cannabis Growers and Processors Association.

Joint Venture Pay (jwww.jointventurepay.com) is a nationwide company that was created by their parent company Pay it Forward Processing (www.pfprocessing.com) to respond to the increasing requests they were receiving from the cannabis market to be able to provide payment solutions to the industry.

Since it's inception, Joint Venture Pay realized that the cannabinoid markets need not only payment processing but safe financial and business services. They've developed into industry connectors. Whether it be finding industry friendly banking, HR, Payroll Services, lawyers, accountants, and more, they've built a large network of business resources for the hemp and cannabis markets and help connect their clients to these services. They also make sure that they do not just have one solution for their customers but many to make sure that they can service as much of the industry as possible.

Joint Venture Pay also has a unique give back program called the "Every Swipe Benefits Charity" program (www.esbcharity.org). Their companies take 10% of their NET, without charging their clients or their client's customers, and donate it to vetted charities of their merchant's choice.

Michelle has worked in sales and training for several Fortune 100 companies over the years, including the Walt Disney World Company, Grainger, and Staples Advantage. She currently resides in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate NY with her husband and her various "kids". Her happy place is her campfire with a glass of "Momma" Juice.

m: 518-703-2236