Russell Thomas, CEO, LifeTonic

Russell Thomas, CEO, LifeTonic

Russell Thomas is the Founder and CEO of LifeTonic, a division of Natural Extraction Systems. Instead of solvents, LifeTonic uses a proprietary Evaporative ExtractionTM process that uses heated air to gently extract CBD and terpenes from hemp. Evaporative Extraction combines extraction, activation, and refinement into a single step to produce a potent, high terpene content, premium full-spectrum extract. Cannabinoids and beneficial terpenes are evaporated in seconds directly from dry plant material to produce extracts with vastly superior terpene content. LifeTonic’s Evaporative ExtractionTM process is protected by 37 granted and pending US and international patents. LifeTonic is the only supplier in the world to offer hemp extract utilizing this

Russell was also instrumental in bringing LifeTonic’s ionized cannabinoid products to market. Cannabinoids are oil based - and water and oil do not mix. While the rest of the industry has pursued methods to mix oil and water, LifeTonic did it completely differently. Ionized CBDTM is not a water solubilized oil suspension, nano-emulsion or liposomal encapsulation. Ionized CBD is a deprotonated CBD salt that dissolves completely in water and water-based liquids and is long-term shelf-stable. Since ionized cannabinoid products are dissolved vs. emulsified, they present a rapid onset that is noticeable as little as 2 - 3 minutes.

In addition to co-founding LifeTonic and Natural Extraction Systems, Russell also invented many of their core technologies. Russell has a unique ability to identify critical gaps in markets and inspire invention in both himself and others. His best inventions and ideas are through passionate collaboration with team members. In total, Russell has been an inventor in over 150 patents and patent applications spanning from cleantech and automotive technologies in his former career, to LifeTonic’s current extraction technologies and drug and supplement technologies.

Russell attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as an undergraduate majoring in mechanical engineering. He postponed his education and left MIT in good standing to found his first startup venture.


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