Nohtal Partansky, CEO, Sorting Robotics

Nohtal Partansky, CEO, Sorting Robotics

Nohtal Partansky is the CEO of Sorting Robotics, a Y Combinator backed startup based in Los Angeles, CA. Nohtal started his professional career working at NASA-JPL building the MOXIE Instrument; a device that is currently producing oxygen on the surface of Mars. After completing the MOXIE project at NASA, Nohtal had a desire to start his own robotics company so in 2018 he left JPL and started Sorting Robotics. Sorting Robotics initially built inventory management robotics for e-commerce companies, but wanting to grow bigger Nohtal applied and was accepted into Y Combinator. After getting into YC, Sorting Robotics targeted the cannabis automation market and started building robots for cannabis manufacturers. In 2020, after seeing a need in the market for contract packaging, Nohtal started Rise Co-Packing a cannabis co-packing company based in Oakland, CA. Now, Nohtal is focused on building out the automation infrastructure in the cannabis sector to bring the industry into the 21st century with ramp up to national legalization.


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