Bryan Bergman, Partner, Nolan Heimann, LLP

Bryan Bergman, Partner, Nolan Heimann, LLP

Bryan Bergman is a partner at Nolan Heimann, LLP in Los Angeles, California with over fifteen years’ experience in complex business transactions and civil litigation. As his career developed, he realized that the emerging cannabis industry presented both an opportunity and a challenge, as new cannabis businesses would require legal advice not only on swiftly changing cannabis legislation and regulations, but also on basic legal issues that face any entrepreneurial venture. He has developed an unmatched expertise in this growing industry, speaking regularly on cannabis industry-related topics and educating operators and other professionals, including attorneys and accountants, on this developing area of law. His client services include providing assistance in entity strategy and formation; contract negotiations and drafting on a wide variety of deals including real estate, investment, management, distribution/sales, and other business transactional issues; cannabis license application preparation; regulatory compliance; and organizational structuring and management.
In addition to his legal work, Bryan maintains a substantial network of cannabis professionals from a variety of areas available to assist his clients in all aspects of establishing or expanding their businesses, such as legal, financial/accounting, labor, political consulting/lobbying, real estate, banking, business development, media, social media, and brand marketing and sits on the Board of Directors of one of the largest cannabis trade associations in California.

During his legal studies at UC Hastings, Bryan was published in a distinguished law journal for an article on digital sampling, was president of the Association of Communications, Sports and Entertainment Law (ACSEL) , worked closely with the school administration on new admissions, organized charity concerns to benefit the First Five Foundation, and created MCLE panels that were attended by over 500 individuals. Outside of the legal profession and cannabis industry, he has a wide variety of personal interests, including adventure sports, music, and travelling.