John Nemanic, Partner, Green Coast Capital

Thinking Outside The Bud - John Nemanic

John Nemanic, Partner, Green Coast Capital

John Nemanic is a serial entrepreneur and investor, leveraging his extensive experience in starting, growing, managing and exiting firms. As co-founder, Chairman and CEO, he exited three very successful Internet start ups, Internet Direct, Tucows and Hostopia. In 2006, Hostopia raised 29.2 million (TSX:H), sold to Deluxe Communications for $124 million USD. John’s current interest are medical cannabis, hemp and CBD start ups, with a focus on Colombia.

John lives in Panama and Colombia, manages Panamanian/Colombian based business, and invests in Real Estate. As former member of EO Panama, John has a list of extensive contacts within Panama.

He is also a former member of EO Toronto (joined 1995) and YPO Toronto (joined 1999).


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